How To Get More (Targeted) Traffic To Your Blog

How To Get More Targeted Traffic To Your Blog

What’s more frustrating than getting no traffic?

How about getting traffic that doesn’t stick around?

If you’re getting traffic that isn’t reading your blog posts, commenting, joining your email list and buying, then you’ll know how frustrating it can be, right?

So, what are you doing wrong?

And how can you do it right and succeed at creating an income by helping others?

If you’re not getting people to do what you want them to when they come to your blog, it’s because you’re not making it clear what they should do.

Yes, you think it’s obvious. But it’s not.

There’s a block between you and your potential readers, subscribers, customers.

That block is your lack of focus.

There’s a block between you and your potential buyers. That block is your lack of focus. - TweetThis

Keywords Are Not The Gospel According To Buying

No focus means you’re just guessing.

You think you have a topic or message or product people are interested in buying because some keywords might have told you they were. But you have no proof that anyone is interested.

So, your message (and your blog) is generic.

It’s too broad. It’s trying to include everyone because you think this is the way to get people coming to your blog and buying. But instead, because you’re message is generic, it doesn’t mean anything to anybody.

Because it’s generic your potential customers can’t see the enormous value (you know is) at the heart of what you want to help them achieve and succeed at. You know it. But they don’t. Because they can’t see it. It doesn’t stand out, grab their attention and scream:

“Hey! You need to read this. It’s gonna change your life.”

So, although they may come, they don’t care when they get there. Not enough to do what you want them to do: subscribe and buy.

Yes, they might stick around and read a post because they clicked on it when it popped up in their Twitter stream or forum thread they subscribe to, but that’s it. Once they’ve read it, they’re gone. Never to return.

You might be getting several hundred people like this coming to your blog and leaving again.

Isn’t it frustrating? Possibly more so than getting no traffic at all.

Why does it happen? Why are people coming to your blog and not staying..?

Because they lose interest.

Because after reading that blog post they clicked through to read, nothing else interested them. Nothing else on your blog kept them, or persuaded them to join your email list for more. Nothing got them into the buying mood.


Nothing about your other blog posts. Nothing about your free give-away in exchange for their email address. Nothing about your products.


It’s depressing, right?

Well, you’re not alone.

Nearly everyone who starts a blog with big dreams and plans to help people and do good in the world, end up with this “nothing result”.

Why is it happening?

Because your focus is so generic and un-targeted, you’re losing people who are coming, who might have been interested…

And you’re losing people who don’t even know you exist (but might actually really want what you can give them, if only they knew about you).

“If you don’t narrow down [your focus] to a specific group, you end up with a really generic message that doesn’t appeal to anyone and you’re not connecting to any of them really because none of them find anything they recognize, relate to or catch on to as being specifically about them individually.” - Corbett Barr,

Doesn’t Narrowing Down Lose Me Customers?

You might think so.

You might be in that school of thought that thinks going after a specific group leaves money on the table.

And you might be wondering who or what should you narrow down to?

To discover who and what you should narrow your focus down to, you need to decide who is most likely to be interested in what you offer them in return for sticking around and buying.

For example, if you want to teach people how to live better lives by being better at communicating with the people around them, then you need to know these facts...

1. Who’s most unhappy because they endure poor relationships with people?

2. Who among this group can you help with what you know, or what you sell?

3. Are they unhappy enough, is their life terrible enough because of those poor relationships, to buy? (Or are they able to live with it, or aren’t suffering enough to buy themselves out of it?)

These are the type of questions that will help you narrow your focus.

Think these questions are too deep, or that you can’t possibly answer them?

Think again.

Yes, It Does All Start With You. Here’s Why…

This is a simple (but highly effective) system for finding out really clear and useful answers to who’s most likely to be interested in you - and why:

Look at what’s brought you to your goal of wanting a blog to help others do what (your blog is about, or helping others to do).

1. What have you gone through to get there?

2. What have you learnt in the process of getting there?

3. What first inspired or triggered your wish to do something about it, or take action to find an alternative income source?

These are 3 of the questions I ask clients to get them started finding focus that not only excites and inspires them to keep on going, but attracts people most likely to recognise their story, their struggle, their experiences - because those people are going through it all right now. (You’ll discover more of the kind of questions I’d ask you as one of my clients coming up.)

And that’s what you want to do to attract people most likely to recognise your story.

And they’ll be all the more keen and eager to stick around and listen to you, to join your email list to find out more and buy your products because they’ll recognise you as one of them. You’ll be to them a person of value because you know what they’re going through. You’ve walked in their moccasins, as the old saying goes.

They’ll read your content, your story, your reasons for doing what you’re doing and they’ll pay attention because, if you understand what they’re going through, your solutions (your products) are probably going to work.

This is how Kevin Duncan is building up his highly successful and entertaining blog targeted at bloggers wanting to stand out and make a difference by being better than the average blogger out there.

Kevin understands the struggle bloggers have standing out and getting an audience to hear their message over the noise of crowd.

He understands his audience because he’d walked in their moccasins by going through the tough experiences they were going through.

Of course it takes work. But knowing what changed life for you, what solutions made it possible to start succeeding, because you’ve been there and been through it, helps you make it easier, simpler and much more effective.

And a lot more enjoyable for you too. And your readers, subscribers and buyers too.

Sue Ann Dunlevie is doing this and building up her brilliant and fast-growing blog. Her message really connects with people most likely to be searching for: How to be a successful blogger, making money enjoying what they do, working from home, maybe round other commitments, without being pushy or salesy.

Ryan Biddulph is doing this and building up his fantastic blog showing people who want to travel and write and get paid for it, do just that.

Kevin, Sue and Ryan are doing this by knowing who their blog is for and standing out head and shoulders in a crowded market.

And you can do it too…

Whatever market you choose.

It’s Not About You – Or Is It?

The “experts” will tell you that “It’s not about you.” when they tell you how to succeed online. Nobody’s interested in you, or what you do, or what you want to do, they’ll tell you.

They’re only right if you forget about who’s most likely to be interested.
You are important to people who want to be able to do, be or have what you can help do, be or have. But only if you understand them and talk about what they’re going through, how they can get (finally) results they want.

Popular bloggers however, the people really making money online and changing lives, the influencers, the authorities in their industry, they’ll tell you:

People buy people first. Then they take out their credit cards.  -TweetThis

And you can only do that if you share a common bond (those moccasins) with them.

Because people are drawn to people most like themselves.

We want to know that someone else, hopefully a group of people, have likes, dislikes, sports, tv shows, films, books, favourite songs, schools, colleges, memories, etc…etc in common with us. Because it makes us feel like we belong. That our likes and dislikes matter to others.

And the way to persuade them that they need to stick around and take action is selling products they’re most likely to buy.

How do you do that?

By persuading them your products will give them the results they want.

And how do you do that?

1. It starts with that looking at yourself and asking yourself those 3 questions:

What have you gone through to get there (where you are now, knowing what you know now, etc)?

What have you learnt in the process of getting there?

What first inspired or triggered your wish to do something about it, or take action to find an alternative income source?

2. Then, thinking about who’s most likely to be interested in getting there too (knowing what you know, getting to where you are now, what steps you took, etc.).

Remember, getting more targeted traffic to your blog is all about focusing…

Focusing on narrowing down:

Who you want coming to your blog…

What it is they wish they could do, be or have so much that they’ll pay for…

Who’s most likely, out of this group of people, to want to stick around on your blog, reading what you have to say, because they feel you understand what they’re going through and because you sell gets them those results they wish for (enough to pay for).

Answer these questions and you’ll find the right kind of traffic for you, targeted traffic, the traffic you’ll most likely to convert?

Are you ready?

Because that traffic is full of people who’ve been searching for someone like you. Someone who can help them do what they’ve been wanting to do (maybe for a long time).

And they’ve been waiting too.

Waiting for you because no one else understands them like you do.

They’re waiting for you because only you can help them make their wish to succeed come true.

They’re still waiting.

Will you keep them waiting?

Or will you welcome them to your blog?

And reap the rewards…

Hi, I'm Tom Southern. Do you want to get more targeted traffic? Then click here to discover these little talked about and highly effective ways of doing so that I reveal to my readers.


  • Sue Dunlevie

    Reply June 2, 2016

    Love this post, Tom! And I so appreciate being included.

    Having a point of view, a brand, is so important. Ryan, Kevin and I all differ in our points of view and appeal to different bloggers - which is so important.


    • Tom

      Reply June 3, 2016

      Hi Sue,

      Thank-you so much and you’re more than welcome. I follow your blog as you know and am inspired by and learn a lot how you engage your audience.

      I think that’s because you know who they are and what they want. All great insights to have and people struggling to get traffic and
      convert it have much to learn from you. Having a point of view about your topic is key, you’re right.

      Thanks so much for stopping by to add your thoughts, Sue. Do stop by again, your succinct insights are most welcome.

      - Tom

  • Lisa Sicard

    Reply June 2, 2016

    Hi Tom, I thought narrowing my niche would mean less people coming toy blog but I followed Ryan’s advice on it and he was right.
    It also helped too because many of my readers began to leave the blogging world and I needed fresh readers.
    We are all unique and we each have something different to offer.
    You may have just inspired me on a new post too today. Thanks for sharing Tom.

    • Tom

      Reply June 3, 2016

      Hi Lisa,

      So great to see you here. Welcome! Yes, you’re thinking narrowing down your niche would mean getting less people coming to your blog is
      shared by so many people.

      Like you, though, often it’s a necessity because you get people coming in order to have a successful blog.

      Absolutely, yes, we are all unique and have so much to offer. Again, this is what so many people fear making this stand out. But it’s
      crucial because your uniqueness is what will attract people to you.

      Great to hear you’re inspired by this post. Let me have a link when it goes live and I’ll share it. Thanks. Great to have you stop by, Lisa, looking forward to having you stop by again.

      - Tom

  • Peter Beckenham

    Reply June 4, 2016

    Hi Tom,

    I just loved those 3 questions we should ask ourselves about what we went through and what made us decide to create a blog that can definitely help others.

    Admittedly I initially did create content that was far too generic as I truly had no clear idea of who my target audience really was.

    The interesting thing was once I narrowed down my real target audience my traffic actually increased and engagement levels increased.

    Many thanks for sharing this important post Tom - I have written down some of your key questions because they will definitely help me keep focus on just whom I creating content for in my future posts.

    Best wishes from the remote Thai village blogger


    • Tom

      Reply June 4, 2016

      Hi Peter,

      That’s great news to hear how your traffic and engagement increased once you narrowed down your target audience. I love how you used the term “real target audience”. I think this is an important point to make because it makes the distinction between who we think our audience is (or imagine it to be) and who they really are. Excellent! Thanks for that, Peter.

      Great to have your input again.

      - Tom

  • Kim Willis

    Reply June 10, 2016

    Great post, Tom

    Narrowing the focus makes sense. Then we can fashion the message so it gives readers an ‘a-ha’ moment. Bullseye!

    I dont target any one niche because I’ve found that pain points etc that are common to one niche, are more or less the same with another. But I do have a defined list of industries that we take our message to. Then we use custom messaging for each.

    For instance, one of my target industries is the accounting profession. Recently I interviewed a number of accountants on Skype. The results of those interviews will be included in a blog post and a report. We’ll then use the report to attract more accountants. Targetted messaging is the key.

    Another industry is chiropractors. Why so? Well we’ve scored some terrifc results for one chiropractor (procured through LinkedIn). So now we’re leveraging those results into a case history which we will use to attract other chiros via an outbound marketing campaign.

    I guess what I’m trying to say is that target marketing can come in many different forms, and the methods used can vary widely.

    But I dont sit around wating for people to amble along to my blog. Farming is great, but sometimes we just have to hustle - like a tiger!

    Thanks for airing this important topic


    • Tom

      Reply June 14, 2016

      Hi Kim,

      Your comment is really helpful because it shows how looking for problems you can solve for people is better than looking for niches.

      Like you, I advocate looking for common problems (or looking for groups/markets that are underserved) as the best way of attracting an audience.

      I like your idea of “farming” and going out to find these underserved people. That’s a lot more useful to bloggers than SEO, etc.

      Great contribution to this topic, Kim, thanks.

      - Tom

  • Hi Tom,

    In this post, you can clearly see why it’s so important to focus your blogging niche. When you don’t have a clear target audience, you’re wasting time making content that people are NOT interested in reading!

    Instead, we must make content that our audience will find value from.

    Thanks for the actionable post , will share it on Twitter.

    Kindest regards,


    • Tom

      Reply June 14, 2016

      Hi Benjamin,

      Absolutely, and the most important action you need to take is to find out what they will be most likely to find valuable.

      Great to have you stop by to add your thoughts, Benjamin. Thanks.

      - Tom

  • Ben

    Reply June 19, 2016

    Thanks for the advice Tom. I’ve been guilty of keeping my focus to general in the past, thinking that I need to target everyone. You’re absolutely right though. I’ve been working on narrowing my focus down to find just the people that I want to interact with. It’s kind of like being a jack of all trades and master of none. You can best help people when you are a master at handling their specific needs, so people are more likely to stick around when you are more focused.

    • Tom

      Reply June 22, 2016

      Hi Ben, welcome back, it’s good to see you here. Yes, you’re right narrowing down to find those people is exactly what you need to be doing. Also, this helps you and them because you’re able to understand more of what it is they want to achieve. And you build up trust and loyalty a lot more.

      Thanks for stopping by and taking time out to add your thoughts here, Ben. Cheers!

      - Tom

  • Donna Merrill

    Reply June 26, 2016

    Hi Tom,

    Those three questions are crucial to ask ourselves. When I first started I was all over the place. I had no idea where the heck I was going. But, eventually after skinning my knees a few times, I too have answered those questions.

    Narrowing down a niche brings more to you than having one that covers too many topics. I do find that keeping things simple and not complicating helps our readers. I do know who and why people come to my blog and do try to give them something valuable that they can take-away and use in their lives.

    Once I narrowed things down it all pointed to the marketing edge. That took me such a long time to learn.

    This post will help many….I’ll spread the word!


  • Joy Healey

    Reply June 26, 2016

    Hi Tom,

    We’ve been told before to focus on a niche, but I like the way you have come up with specific advice and questions to ask ourselves so we can get closer to this aim.

    It’s tempting to try and appeal to “everyone” - and I do take Kim’s point that there are some very common pain points, but I like the way he is focusing on specific industries.

    Lots of practical advice here, thanks.

    Joy - Blogging After Dark

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