Blogging Tips, Strategies And Tactics: How To Sort Through The Pile and Find The One That’ll (Actually) Work For You

Blogging Tips, Strategies and Tactics2


“the vast majority of what you’re being told to do simply does not work. It’s not just less effective than advertised. It produces almost no meaningful results whatsoever.”
- Jon Morrow @jonmorrow, Boost Blog


You know there are gaps in your skills.

When it comes to getting traffic to your blog, you could do with a bit of help. Right? Well, maybe a lot of help.

You want your blog to be a relevant and entertaining place to be for your readers. A place full of content that people want to read and tell their friends about. That’s why you spend so much time writing content full of valuable information. Right?

But how do you find that help? Actually, how do you find the right help? That’s what you want to know, isn’t it? How to find the right answers, the right solutions, the right tips, strategies and tactics, the ones that’ll actually work and give you the know-how you need to make your blog relevant, entertaining and popular. That’s what you want to know. Right?

How do you find quality advice like that? And how do you avoid running into yet more meaningless drivel that costs you dear?

It’s a risk, isn’t it? A risk you don’t want to take. So you do nothing because that’s safer. Doing nothing doesn’t cost any cash. Doing nothing doesn’t punch your faith.

So, what’s the answer?

How Do You Avoid The Duffs?

Well, I’ll tell you what I’ve discovered and what’s started working for me.

In the beginning, when first starting out growing a blog, I tried nearly every tool, strategy and tactic I came across. I bought several so-called training courses on Blogging too. And got my fingers burnt.

Some people might say I was foolish. That I should’ve been more savvy.

But I was new. I was looking for help and advice. I was in that vulnerable learning mode. I trusted the courses and training I found (or who’s creators found me.).

Then, as one by one, the promised results never materialised, I snatched at any promise that sounded like it could work.

My problem was, I didn’t know how to do what I wanted to do and I didn’t know what tools I needed to make it work. So, I ended up snatching at anything that looked like it might have an answer, or a solution.

When You’re New To Blogging, You Trust People Who Tell They Know More Than You Do.

It’s only natural.

And, like you, I listened and was prepared to learn.

Like you, finding out not everyone is genuine, that not everyone does have an answer or a solution, came as a shock.

Yes, we might be gullible, you and me. But, more likely, we’re doing what any newcomer does…We look to those who (tell us they) know and what we should be doing if we want results. Right?

When the cold realisation you’ve picked another tired old hack that simply doesn’t work and whose results are meaningless, it nearly always comes as a hard and bitter lesson.

You start to reconsider if it’s all really worth it. You feel vulnerable and so you stop trying to do anything. Because doing nothing is safer than doing something that makes you look and feel stupid.

A Sure-Fire Way To Pick The Right One…

I have thank Corbett Barr here.

Because he taught me these TWO really important questions to ask, whenever deciding what to do, when, how and why.

It was his choice of tagline for his then blog, (now Sparkline) that pointed them out to me. ThinkTraffic’s tagline asked everyone arriving there: “Where’s your blog now? Where do you want it to be?”

It’s a great tagline.

Because it gets you thinking. It makes you stop and think about what isn’t working about your blog.

Then it makes you think about what you want you want your blog to actually do. It makes you think about what your blog’s actual purpose and overall goal is.

I took a while to realise this but these two questions Corbett Barr asked his blog readers everytime they arrived to discover more gems, are key to answering all the questions I might have about what tip, strategy or tactic I needed to concentrate on.

You’ll find they’re key to answering your questions too. Because your answers will give you direction for which path to take.

When you take stock of where your blog is now and think about where you want it to be, you can create a solid, reliable guide that will tell you exactly:

WHAT you need TO DO (what action you need to take), so you know exactly
WHAT you need TO HAVE (what tools you need, what know-how, etc) to help you make it happen.

Blogging Tips, Strategies and Tactics

Once you know what you need to do to get your blog to where you want it to be, you can decide what you need to get help with (because either you don’t yet know, or you don’t yet have the skills).

Knowing what you need to have, or do, so you can get your blog to where you want it be makes it a lot easier, to pick the right tactic, strategy and tool to get you where you want to be.

You’ll be a lot clearer about what you need to know and do. You’ll be more confident and know what training courses and advice to look for, who to ask or listen to.

And you’ll know what to avoid.

You’ll save yourself a lot of frustration and disappointment too.

Sound good to you?

Here’s What You Need To Do Now…

step 1: Take some time out.

Pencil (or add) it in to your calendar.

Actually take that time out, time where you can concentrate on answering the question of where you want to be.

And this includes what you want your blog to do for you (e.g. end result).

step 2: Get specific. Think about where you really want your blog to be.

Focus on that end result you want. The one that’ll make all your hard work getting there all the more sweet when it comes.

step 3: Get clear on how you’ll know when you’ve reached that end result.

What will have happened to tell you your blog is where you want it to be?

List the events, landmarks, achievements, steps, that have helped you get there. What compliments will you get from people? Actually, let yourself hear them at least once a week. And feel the pats on the back. It all adds up to making your end result all the more worth fighting for.

This knowing how to tell if and when you’ve reached your goal is the most important part of your answer. Because it’ll be your lighthouse, away from the rocks, guiding you into harbour. Journey’s end.

step 4: Stick to it.

What you need to do, what you need to have, what you need to know – Stick to those things. They’ll tell you. They’ll tell you better than any expert, any wannabe guru out there, who tries to tell you that they have the one true tactic that’s gonna get traffic flooding into your blog.

That’s how you know which one of those tools, tips, tactics and strategies is going to work for you.

The only proven blogging strategy is the one that gives you what you want. When you want it.

So, whenever you’re tempted to buy a product, or invest in some course or other, ASK yourself these questions…

Is this going to give me what I need to take my blog where I want it to be?

Will it build on what I’m already doing or learning?

…And be ruthless in your answer.

Because, if that tip, strategy or tactic doesn’t help you get from where you are now to where you want to be, it doesn’t get on your list of what to do, know and have. It’s just another meaningless waste of your time, attention and money…


If you’re still tempted, ask yourself if you’re willing to still be where you are now, this time next week, next month. Or next year.

Or if you want to be in that place you’ve always dreamed of being.

You can get there.

You just need to give yourself permission. And stop distracting yourself by comfort-buying meaningless drivel.

Because your dreams are worth more.

And so are you.

Hi! I’m Tom Southern. Enjoyed this post? Enter your main email address below for more insights into getting traffic most blogging advice leaves out…


  • Adrienne

    Reply September 23, 2015

    Hey Tom,

    This message is SO important and you would probably be very surprised at how many people do not 100% for sure know what they actually are doing or what they should do to get there. I can sympathize with them actually.

    As you know I’ve built a reputation for helping people understand why relationships are huge if you’re building a blog and business. I created a course, it did really well but I didn’t want to just be known for that. Granted, it’s still a HUGE part of how to have success so I’m not discounting it at all but just like you said here, most of the people I work with are just lost. Jumping to making those connections won’t really do them any good if they’re not super clear on what it is that they actually do and how they can help their readers.

    I read SO many posts about how to get traffic to your blog and I used to write them myself. What I find with most people though is that they’re after just traffic, any old traffic. You have to go after your specific target audience when using these methods or you’re just wasting time.

    Great reminder here Tom and good to see you posting again. Thanks for this one and I’ll be sure to share it as well.


    • Tom Southern

      Reply September 23, 2015

      Hello Adrienne,

      You’re so right about that. Traffic isn’t always good. If it doesn’t stick, it’s not worth very much. It also takes longer, doesn’t it? It all comes down to knowing your target readership.

      You’re an excellent example of how creating relationships can help you grow your blog and business. That’s really the only way to grow
      a blog that really does get its message out there, isn’t it? After all, I wouldn’t be learning so much from you, if I hadn’t first made contact and you hadn’t been so willing to share your skills and knowledge.

      So many people want quick fixes like SEO and are still selling it as the sure-fire way to get traffic. But you can’t skip genuine good-old communication and friendships, can you?

      You can’t do that until you’re clear about what you’re doing it for.

      Thanks for taking time to leave such an insightful comment, Adrienne.

  • Donna Merrill

    Reply September 23, 2015

    Hi Tom,

    Nice article to give some structure that people can follow to be sure they’re on the right path with their blogs.

    I work up blogging strategies all the time with and for my clients, and I can tell you that no two are the same.

    A good blogging strategy must take into account all of the things you’ve brought to light here, but then bend and twist them to blend with the specific strategy being used.

    So, if your blog is intended to get affiliate customers to your site, give value on photography and intersperse affiliate links to photography products and services, you’ll want to make sure to connect with folks who are interested in that topic.

    The way you bring people to your blog (“traffic”) and what you do with them once they’re there (“conversion”) may be totally different than what your friend does on her blog that is focused on meditation and personal development.

    So, yes, you must question if the strategy you put into place “is going to give me what I need to take my blog where I want it to be?”

    Very important message, Tom, and you’ve right. Far too many people waste tons of time and money because they don’t ask it, #1, and if they do, they frequently do not develop a good enough answer, #2.


  • Tom Southern

    Reply September 23, 2015

    Hi Donna,

    Excellent points. A good, successful strategy is always flexible to meet your and readers needs.

    And knowing who else is out there talking about your topic or niche is so important. Because not only do you find strength in community but you’ll always find new and advancing thinking about it too.

    It’s all about finding an audience that shares a common bond with you, don’t you think? And spending time getting to know what their goals are.

    So many new bloggers struggle to find their audience because they don’t really know who their audience is (or why they want one in the first place.).

    Thanks so much for stopping by to add your thoughts and insights here, Donna. Much obliged.

  • Peter Beckenham

    Reply September 28, 2015

    Hi Tom. Many thanks for this wonderful posat - you have shared some truly criticsal information and I have shared this post with all my social media and email subscribers.

    It’s confession time for me. The strategy I have with my blog is simply to provide valuable tips and entertainment in posts that in nearly all cases link to my main business option.

    I then direct my email subsribers to these posts but in all honesty I donot have a clear strategy nor do I have a massive amount of trafic coming to these posts.

    My target audience is the very competitive internet marketing/affiliate marketing niche and although my email subscribers rarely leave me a comment (despite my regular requests) these posts have been successful in building my internet business.

    I can totally relate to the continual purchase of meaningless “blog solution” products - these “shiny objects” have cost me a small fortune in the past like a particular piece of content curation software I purchased. After that experience I am now far more discerning with any purchases I make - especially when it comes to my blog

    • Tom

      Reply September 28, 2015

      Hi Peter,

      Thanks so much, your support in sharing this post is tremendous. Cheers!

      Your strategy is a good one, that’s how most popular bloggers do it. What you might consider writing posts that cover topics influencers in your niche are most interested in, mention them in your posts (add a quote from them, for example) and then let them know. This is just one of the techniques I use.

      Yes, your “shiny objects” experience rings a bell for me. You’re not alone. I hope the strategy in this post goes a long way to helping you stay clear.

      Thanks for coming and adding your thoughts, Peter. Hope to see you here again.


      • Peter Beckenham

        Reply December 20, 2015

        Hi Tom,

        Just came back to apologise for my typing errors - my comment was written when my glasses were missing and on revisiting your place today I see all the typo mistakes I had - sorry mate. Next time I’ll make sure I use my glasses!

        • Tom

          Reply December 25, 2015

          Hi Peter,

          Ha-Ha, don’t mention it. Been there, done that.

  • Nick Armstrong

    Reply September 29, 2015


    Chip and Dan Heath call this a destination postcard and it works wonders for all sorts of great things, from writing blogs to building great projects.

    The more folks can understand that it’s not as simple as sitting down and typing words into the screen, that it takes some planning,tinkering, adjusting along the way, the better off the whole blogging profession will become

    In my experience most blogs taper off after 3-6 months because there’s no refresh planning session once you run out of those initial ideas. There’s a lull from writer’s block or holidays or a big new client project or something silly, and suddenly your blog is fallow for months.

    It really does take gumption and stick-to-it-edness. Great post and great advice!

  • Tom Southern

    Reply September 29, 2015

    Hey Nick,

    “the better off the whole bloggig profession will become” - Amen to that, big time.

    “destination postcard” - that’s an excellent description and term. And yes, I use these questions now to plan and guide me through all sorts of things. They’re also a great time saver too, doing away with all that unnecessary doing.

    You’re right about the lack of refresh planning to get through that initial shot of enthusiasm. Blogging is an art of juggling and keeping up momentum at the same

    Thanks for stopping by and adding your refreshing insight, Nick. Good to have you here. Cheers!

  • janice Wald

    Reply September 30, 2015

    Hi Tom,
    I believe you offered to help me on Twitter. We met on Jon Morrow’s Blog Boost Blog Traffic. You said you’d instruct me how to put a Tweet in an Email. When I go to Compose, I do not see any way to convert to Text mode to paste the Click To Tweet Code. Can you please advise? Thanks!

    • Tom

      Reply September 30, 2015

      Hi Janice, yes we did. How are you? Thanks for stopping by to comment.

      Firstly, regarding adding a tweet to an email message. Can I ask, when you say “Text mode”, are you using html code to create your emails, or are you actually using “Text mode”? If you’re using Text mode, unfortunately, there isn’t a way to add a tweet message.

      Btw, are you using an autoresponder?

      You can add a “click to tweet” using html code (your whole email will have to be in html code too). Or as a normal “visual mode” email. You can get a link at “Click To Tweet”, then highlight the sentence you’d like to be tweeted, then click on the link icon to turn this sentence into a tweetable one.

      Hope this helps.

      PS., Sent you a tweet reply too.

  • Dan Ewah

    Reply October 1, 2015

    Hi Tom,

    It can be the hardest thing to sort through the strategies and tips and focus on the ones that really work.

    The Pareto principle comes to mind here, we need to focus on the 20% that brings in the results.

    You have done a nice work of helping us sourt through the noise to the ones that really work.



    • Tom

      Reply October 1, 2015

      Hi Dan,

      Welcome! It’s good to have you here and add your thoughts. Yup, you’re right, it’s often the hardest part. The 80/20 principle is a good one. It’s finding it though, right? You have a good chance of finding that 20 per cent if you look for popular bloggers out there who’s message resonates with yours. I’ve done that and they’ve been great teachers.

      Thanks again, Dan. Look forward to seeing you here again.


    • Janice Wald

      Reply October 12, 2015

      Hi Tom,
      Thanks for trying to help me. but I am confused. When I made the link at Click To Tweet, it did not take her to Twitter but to my site to sign up. She’s already signed up. What link do I have the Tweet go to?
      PS, It wasn’t a Tweet. It was a link to my site that said “Tweet Link.”
      Please advise. Thanks!

      • Tom Southern

        Reply October 12, 2015

        Hi Janice,

        Oh, not sure how that happened. Maybe you put the wrong in accidentally. I’ll email you with an attachment with some screenshot instructions. Hope these help you.


  • Connor Rickett

    Reply October 2, 2015

    Good advice, Tom.

    I ended up writing a blog article very similar to this, though with slightly different emphasis, this week. I’ve got a big decision about taking a job or not coming up, and I as I was writing my way through it, I realized I might as well make an article of it. Most if it’s just the extra stuff, the real key to the whole thing, and you touched on it here, is this:

    You need to know where you are, and where you want to be; the rest is just hard work and time.

    If I’d read this a bit sooner, I wouldn’t have needed to write it-or maybe I would have, sometimes you have to walk the path yourself. Anyway, I’d like to post a link to this article in mine, if you’re cool with that.


    • Tom

      Reply October 2, 2015

      Hi Connor,

      Glad to have your thoughts here. Yup, it can be a hard decision whether to make. Often it helps to look beyond the decision to what the possible outcomes might be and if you can still do enough of what you want to do if you take that job, or not. Been there, done that. It’s not always the wrong, or backwards step, it might seem from this side. Focusing on those possible outcomes can help deciding.

      Yup, hard work is important - also, work that pays off. Knowing where you are and knowing where you want to be can help you pick the right work, when and where you need it.

      Whatever you decide, whatever path you take, keep writing. You’ve got some interesting and different ideas on your blog to share. Yup, you can link to this article. And follow me on Twitter too, that would be great. Thanks. And let me know how you go. Cheers!


  • Kurt Kummerer

    Reply October 2, 2015

    Hi Tom,

    It is my first time here on your blog. I followed you over here after you left a comment for me on Andrew Warner’s blog. Glad I came by.

    I think some of the issue is “you don’t know, what you don’t know” and as you mentioned you purchased all kinds of courses thinking that they would help you. Which unfortunately they did not.

    Also, perception plays a large role in this as well. You perceive that you can go on the internet, throw up a blog and you’ll have a thriving business in no time. It’s easy and anyone can do it. Then in 3 to 6 months or sooner you realize perception is not reality and your blog fails.

    For some reason people lose common sense when it comes to the internet and think they buy a $49 course from an “expert” and they’ll implement what they learn and make a killing. Business is business whether it be online, offline, or doing business on the moon. It takes time, effort and lots of failing.

    I’ll Tweet and share on Google+ Tom.


    • Tom

      Reply October 2, 2015

      Hey Kurt,

      Thanks for stopping by and good to have your contribution. Yes, that is an issue, you’re right and defining where you want to be (or what you want to do) can help out a lot in finding what you don’t know. Or what you do know but thought wasn’t relevant.

      Yeh, the internet seems to have some magic cloak that it throws over people and causes them to stop thinking logically. I know it did me in the beginning. Those courses are only a start. Like you say, business about ongoing learning, failing, adjusting and finding your space.

      Cheers for your support, Kurt. You’re a star.


  • Ben Carter

    Reply October 6, 2015

    I remember a few years ago looking at the so-called gurus in blogging to learn how to take my work to the next level. I watched their websites to see what they were doing and found that they almost never did the things they told their readers to do. Sometimes they actually did the opposite. That turned me off from looking at gurus for a while. I think that group is all gone now, at least I haven’t been able to find their websites. A lot of what people teach are gimmicks that might work great if only a few people use them. As soon as they sell their product and get hundreds of people doing it, the trick falls apart. The guru makes their money and moves on to the next one.

    I lik your recipe, especially step 3. It reads like creative visualization, very close to what Joe Vitale calls “Neville-izing” your goal (named after Neville Goddard). If it works for everything else, then it should definitely work for blogging.


    • Tom

      Reply October 6, 2015

      Hi Ben,

      Yeh, I know what you mean about the spree of guru-tactics being touted about as the how-to strategy which turns out to have little to do with what they’re actually doing. Like you, after watching them for a while, I got to realise that there was actually something missing; something they weren’t sharing. Either because they didn’t know what it was, or they were keeping it close to their chests.

      I’m all about adding these missing links and actually giving them to you.

      You’ve hit upon a great tactic that works too and one I used when none of those guru-tactics were working for me - watch what they actually do. It’s one of the best ways to learn.

      Thanks for pointing me to the Neville-izing technique. Sounds interesting. Yes, visualisation does come into it. Too many people plunge into blogging without taking time to really get to know what it is they want out of it.

      Thanks for your insights, Ben and hope to see you here again.



  • Don Karp

    Reply October 8, 2015

    Hi Tom-

    Thanks for sorting this out. I do not know if it applies to someone like me who is using a landing page with a free offer to get sign ups and send out regular broadcasts. This is not a blog.

    The (flawed?) strategy I follow insists on building an audience slowly by guest blogging and getting engagement with suggestions on what the audience needs. From there a product is built fulfilling these needs. The blog would be launched with a product after gaining 1,000 subscribers.

    From others I’ve heard that this is a good technique to get product customers will buy. But also I hear that guest blogging is not a good traffic builder compared to a web site. It might be good for credibility. Is this true?

    Some months ago you looked at my landing page and made suggestions to change it. But what if I am not getting traffic to my page?

    And with guest blogging I think that the topics I choose and the language that I use is getting me rejections-perhaps it’s too academic. Does that mean I need to become someone other than who I am to express content better and get accepted? I do not even know if my audience hangs out on personal growth blogs? So I am becoming more and more active in forums where they do hang out.

    My niche is people caught up in the traditional mental health system-looking for a good therapist, not satisfied with current therapy, concerned about medications and about mental hospitalizations. I provide online self-care alternatives.

    I am a good curator and would love to be of service to those who suffer, and also better my own financial situation from only a Social Security income.

    If you can at least answer my questions so that I get a better sense of direction to gain more traffic traction, that would be a delightful start for me.

    Thanks, Tom

    • Tom

      Reply October 8, 2015

      Hi Don,

      Yes, I remember looking at your landing page and making those suggestions.

      Yes, this post is for you too. In fact, I started out with just a landing page with an opt-in box. I drove traffic to it by guest posting. It’s a good strategy for many people. But it doesn’t suit everyone. In the end, I had ideas I wanted to share that were most appropriate on a blog of my own, so I’ve started posting here too. I still guest post too.

      Having 1,000 subscribers before you launch a blog is a good idea because it’s assuming these subscribers want to hear from you and read your content. Getting 1,000 is easier said than done for some people. Personally, I didn’t have 1,000 subscribers. I had a lot less than that in fact. My goal in building an email list is to attract potential buyers with a real need for what I can give them.

      There’s a misunderstanding some people have about launching a blog with that “magical” 1k subscribers to sell a product immediately doors open, so to speak. You can only start thinking of creating a product (or selling an affiliate product) once you start asking [and finding out what] what people want. It’s very hard to sell anything right off the bat, especially for new bloggers, sole professionals
      and single businesses.

      Yes, as I mentioned, guest posting doesn’t suit everyone. I do guest posting but I do it strategically: I have a specific result I want to get and pick the blogs appropriate.

      Yes, blog writing is different from traditional magazine or journalism. It’s geared to 10-second “sound-bites” or snippets, which is based on how long the average Internet-Age person spends on reading a post.

      Most important of all, before you can get traffic to your blog, you need an audience that’s easily reached. Do your potential readers spend time on the internet reading blogs? If so, which ones? If not, you either need to find them off-line. Or go for a different angle or audience.

      Hope this helps you get a better sense of direction, Don. I see you’ve joined my email list. Thanks. You should get some more ideas for what direction to take if you read my emails regularly too.

      Thanks for taking time to leave such a helpful comment.


  • Theodore Nwangene

    Reply October 12, 2015

    Hello Tom,
    This is indeed a very cool article and you’ve really got a good looking blog here, i love it :).

    The truth is that there are so many noise out there on the internet today than before and if you’re not careful, you will be get confused while trying to figure out the ones to listen to.

    However like your post suggested, its good to always ask yourself that question before buying any product and even before reading a particular blog post because this will enable you to stay focused on the right kind of information.

    • Tom Southern

      Reply October 12, 2015

      Hi Theodore,

      Thanks for your kind compliments. I’m glad you liked this post and the look of my blog. I think having a blog that doesn’t look like other blogs is important.

      You’re right, there is a lot of noise out there and it can be confusing as to which one is actually worth listening to. And while these two questions will help you find your way, it’s also important to look for bloggers who are doing what you want to do and who’s way of doing it resonates with how you want to do those things too.

      Thanks again, Theodore.


  • Mark

    Reply October 13, 2015

    What excellent real world advice Tom!

    And unfortunately, especially in the beginning, we’ve all had a few mishaps investing in various courses, in the hopes of finally discovering that elusive pot of online marketing gold!LOL!

    I really like the way you have laid out a very straight forward plan of action.

    And I really like the two questions that you’ve posed!If we apply just that and really stick to our guns, we’ve definitely start moving forward and be far less frustrated, during the process.

    Thanks for sharing such a “no nonsense type of message!”This is so refreshing and completely necessary!

    • Tom

      Reply October 14, 2015

      Hi Mark,

      Yes, we’ve all got those mishaps marking our journey to real advice that works, you’re right. Hopefully, not too many, or costly. And yes, these two questions can keep you on track if you answer them and follow what they highlight for you. They’re the best guide I’ve found for keeping you doing the right things. Of course, building a network of blogging friends can help pin-point useful information too.

      Good to see you hear again. Welcome always.

      - Tom

  • Ryan Biddulph

    Reply October 17, 2015

    Hi Tom,

    That WHY point is so big on choosing a tactic for me, because I do what I do based on my freeing driver. For me, blog commenting and tweeting work best to keep me free because I enjoy tweeting and commenting. Fab point about trusting anybody as a newb. Been down that road and as I gained experience I figured out that many bloggers are well meaning but offer less than practical - or successful - advice. Awesome share man.


    • Tom

      Reply October 17, 2015

      Hi Ryan,

      Great to have your contribution to this conversation. Thanks for taking time to do so. And you hit on a vital point about choosing a tactic based on what you enjoy doing. This is linked to what I talk about in finding what feels right for you when choosing tactics and a strategy - and popular bloggers to watch and learn from.

      Yes, being that “vulnerable learner” is a common and sometimes scary space to be in. Which is why taking time to ask yourself these two questions can be a way of giving yourself the strength of confidence and a goal to aim for when looking at what to use and who to follow.

      Glad you found this useful and cheers for sharing.


  • Sherman Smith

    Reply October 18, 2015

    Hey Tom,

    This post is straight up EPIC!

    These are questions that I had has myself 2 years ago. I was struggling to back back on track from over spending on Paid Advertising that I wanted to go the free route and work smarter at the time.

    So I asked these similar questions. One place I had to start off was to iron out all the problems I had with my blog which wasn’t so bad compared to others.

    Once I did that, I had to figure out who I should be connecting with and who I should not be connecting with. This was a big one, especially for the fact I’m an introvert (probably an outgoing introvert to be more accurate).

    Once I started to connecting with the right people, they pretty much were the reason why I realize I needed to have better clarity of the purpose of my blog. From that point I broke down my generic goals and created sub goals which I have accomplished a few of them with the little time I have.

    But yes, that WHY factor that Ryan said is an important thing to consider if you want to grow your blog. It worked for him, me, you which is unanimous that it will also work for others!

    Thanks for the share Tom! I hope you’re enjoying the weekend!

    • Tom Southern

      Reply October 18, 2015

      Hi Sherman,

      Great to see you here. Thanks so much for your comment and support.

      Your story shows how blogging can be a struggle for a lot of people starting out - even those who are now successful. It’s a learning curve, isn’t it? Yes, it’s all about that WHY factor which helps you set goals.

      Setting goals is important. Getting traffic is so much about looking at your end goals. Which in turn, means making time to think about what you want those end goals to be.

      Your right, connecting with the right people can do a lot to help you pinpoint where you want to be. They act like a guide, don’t you think?

      Yes, it’s all about goals, or as I like to say: “small wins”. Keep setting manageable goals because these are more
      likely to be achieved.

      Funny to hear you’re an introvert. Me too. I’m discovering
      a few bloggers who describe themselves as introverts but yet, are making it online and doing so by building a richly social community. I think we are more able to empathise. What’s your thoughts on that?


  • Andrew

    Reply October 19, 2015

    Hey Tom,

    Really great post here.

    “When You’re New To Blogging, You Trust People Who Tell They Know More Than You Do.” Ain’t that the truth.

    I know I trusted a lot of people’s advice because, well, they were the experts. They were the ones with the experience. And, I just didn’t know better.

    But with those two epic questions, that’s all you have to constantly ask yourself. Even if you have to refer back to it every 3 months to a year. It’s that important of a question (both of them) to ask.

    Traffic is god … if it’s the right kind of traffic. Because if it isn’t, you’re just there, banging your head against the wall, struggling to figure it out. That’s why even though I try to get traffic, I try harder to convert that traffic int subscribers. Because at the end of the day, if they subscribe, they love your stuff. And will happily promote you and drive even more traffic.

    Great stuff here.

    - Andrew

    • Tom

      Reply October 19, 2015

      Hi Andrew,

      So pleased to have you add your thoughts here. You’re right, traffic is only as useful as the engagement and interaction with you that it brings. Not all traffic is useful. But with the right kind of traffic you can start building your email list and creating an income with only a small amount of traffic. Loyal, happy and engaged readers is your aim as these are the people who’ll help you promote your blog by sharing what you’re doing with their friends.

      And yes, regular referral back to your answers is vital so you can make any adjustments. Building a helpful network of bloggers is also vital, would you agree?


  • Andrew

    Reply October 19, 2015

    Sorry, meant to write, Traffic is good. Not traffic is god.

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